Legends Barbershop & Legends Hairdresser Gift Voucher Design

This was a gift voucher design for Legends Barbershop which is a barbershop located in Arana Hills, Bribie Island, Bundaberg, Gympie, and Mt Gravatt which are in the southeast part of Queensland.
They required a gift voucher design which was to look similar to the style of their other gift voucher that they were currently using. The front of the gift voucher had the word gift voucher on the top right side which used the font type brush script mt with a size of 89pt in italic with a gold colour. The logo was placed in the top left side next to the word gift voucher and the background image was from adobe stock images and edited in photoshop using a black and white filter effect and placed into InDesign using the effect, transparency, basic blending with a soft light of 80%. The store details were also placed on the bottom half of the front with the area names font style being adelle pe bold and a size of 9pt and the adelle pe regular for the rest of the details with the colour gold used for the area names and white for the contact details and address. The store details were placed on a grey rectangle with a 2pt gold border with a gradient used from left to right and a gold 2pt line used in between each of the contact details to separate them out.
The back of the gift voucher had the logo on the top right corner and the word gift voucher in the same brush scrip mt font and size 89pt italic and gold colour as the front but with a soft light transparency of 25%. The words to, entitles you to and signature have the font style adelle pe regular and size 12pt in the colour black. The words to the value of with the same font style, size, and colour. The word code used the same font style but size 10pt and same colour. The dollar value used the same font but size 21pt and same colour with one tab space between the dollar sign and dot point and double zeroes so a value can be written in. The lines were black with a 1pt stroke added so details can be written on and on the bottom half a rectangular frame tool was used with the image from the front pasted into it and resized to show only the bottom half of the image.

This was a gift voucher design for Legends Hairdressing which is a Hairdresser that is associated with the Legends Barbershop and is located in Morayfield Queensland.
They required a gift voucher design which was to look similar to the style of the Legends Barbershop gift voucher. The front of the gift voucher had the word gift voucher on the top right side which used the font type brush script mt with a size of 89pt in italic with a maroon colour. The logo was placed in the top left side next to the word gift voucher and the background image was from adobe stock images and placed into InDesign. The store details were also placed on the bottom half of the front with the area name font style being adelle pe bold and a size of 9pt and the adelle pe regular for the rest of the details with the maroon colour used for the area names and dark grey for the contact details and address. The store details were placed on a gold rectangle with a 2pt maroon border with an 81% hard light transparency and a maroon 2pt line used in between each of the details to separate them out as well as a tab space.
The back of the gift voucher had the logo on the top right corner and the word gift voucher in the same brush scrip mt font and size 89pt italic and maroon colour as the front but with a soft light transparency of 25%. The words to, entitles you to and signature have the font style adelle pe regular and size 12pt in the colour black. The words to the value of with the same font style, size, and colour. The word code used the same font style but size 10pt and same colour. The dollar value used the same font but size 21pt and same colour with one tab space between the dollar sign and dot point and double zeroes so a value can be written in. The lines were black with a 1pt stroke added so details can be written on and on the bottom half a rectangular frame tool was used with the image from the front pasted into it and resized to show only the bottom half of the image.