Theories and Practices of Visual Communication 1 Recoding

This assignment required us to examine an existing product, service, system or organisation and design a recoding strategy, taking into account an audience and placement.
The thing that I recorded in this assignment was public transport which is being perceived as poor man's travel and this is in relation to the car. The way that this will be recoded is by having an event which centers around families who don't use public transport due to the fact that it costs a lot, it's not available to them, it's time-consuming, not convenient for every family and also not accessible for every family.
The way this is being recoded is to get families to use public transport through an event that is free for a day so that families can travel and learn about public transport. The event will include activities that families can do to learn about transport and also how to use it. This event will consist of three design concepts which are a poster, a website, and a brochure.
The poster is an advertisement that would be placed in schools so school kids and their families can see the poster and be aware of the event quickly and easily. The website will have information on the event, the types of transport that are out there and also why consider public transport which will give information on why families should travel on a bus or train and what they will benefit from it. The brochure will be handed out at the event and have some basic information on buses and trains and also on the event as well as the list of activities that will be done on the day which will help families learn about public transport. The poster and brochure both include information about the website.